Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Richard Renaldi rocks

Just wanted to make a quick post about this photographer who I am mesmerised by. His name's Richard Renaldi and I just love love love his methods of observation and the way he can capture such detailed and layered emotion in a frame.

Check out the link..

And here's a couple of shots as an example....

Monday, November 3, 2008

adidas lets loose with creativity

So I received a link to download an awesome digital book from Adidas showing some pretty crazy creations from a book compiled of the original drawings and thoughts from one of the early Adidas designers, Fritz Traumer. The book also includes noted he made and ideas and inspiration for some of the designs....

Fritz himself










Friday, October 31, 2008

So here goes with the first one...

I think I'm gonna try this on for size.

I do feel kinda strange about writing to no-one and about whatever I like.. but yea, we'll see what I come up with..

I thought I'd first show my love for some photography that's great.

Some writings to follow at some point. Got to put them somewhere.. they're not doing anything constructive sitting in my moleskine.

Signing off
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