Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Unfortunate Cancellation of Events...

Unfortunately, the event mentioned in my last post has been
postponed until next year. I will be sure to let you all know when
it will be happening.

Apologies to all the excited people out there.
I know there must have been at least a few of you!

Until further notice,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Upcoming Exhibition

I will be showing a series of works in an upcoming Culture Club group exhibition extravaganza! My art will be featured,
along-side a gaggle of other creatively talented young people.
It's an honour to be part of something like this, and I'm very excited.

Tickets are only $30 (which includes a $20 donation) plus a free drink for the first 100 people through the door!

If you'd like to come down to The Club in Kings Cross this Thursday night to witness some stars in the making, you can grab yourself a ticket here.
And to find out more about the event, go to their facebook page.

Hope to see you there!


Toy Story 3

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Lost and out of sorts
completely with a cause.
Leaps from strength to strength
beside me lacks applause.

My confidence is flailing, on the cusp of true parading
when the conscious overrules the rest
and logic comes to reigning.

Give me a new position in the scheme of spectrum tones
the wonderland of colour stands above the mono drones.
The clones of days and moments take away this precious time
that could be used for living and flirting with the line.

The solid dreams of want will make resentment all that's clear
regardless of the common rest, my judgement will adhere.
To what, I do not know, be it comfort or resistance,
love, manipulation or merely an existence?

Hearts are made of muscle, unlikened to emotion,
but mine is tissue paper, wet and almost broken.

The Matchmakers
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