"Cosine is an online magazine consisting of Australian artists showcasing their creative talent to the world. From digital designers to sculptors, photographers to painters, each artist will have a dedicated profile page that will include some of their latest and greatest works in cosine's upcoming Vol. 3."
The latest edition was made live and downloadable last night and features your's truly along with an array of up-and-comers from the Sydney area. (It's downloadable here.)
You can drop down to Pocket Bar in Darlinghurst any time in the next week to check out the talent or purchase yourself a piece of art!
Alternatively, you can contact me if you are interested in purchasing one of the two. And any feedback is more than welcome.
Here are my two pieces. Happy viewing!
Belligerent Betty . 60x90 cm . $220
Narcissistic Nancy . 60x90 cm . $220